Construction has begun Drainaise Baloi Region

BATAM, BN: Development of drainage in various places in the batam, has made intensive efforts to repair. Development of drainage in the area of the new Village at Batam city starting from this week.

  Thursday, when found in the location of the bridge entrance keperumahan Baloi improvement. Right in front of new Baloi Village Office, construction of drainage projects that are in working on since last Sunday that, then done. Tino said.

  Brightness, in the region this Baloi frequent flooding, if there were no immediate response, there will be environmental factors, the surrounding roads. Bulldozer that ground curry, five-meter ditch flow has already started. Tino said.

  Polling drainage around Baloi very frequent flooding, sometimes carrying capacity could not accommodate the rain water. The development of this project should be completed as soon as possible, due to recent weather is often rainy. Tino said. (CR2)

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