JCH PKK in Release 7

BATAM, BN: Team Leader PKK Batam, Mariana Dahlan took off seven member team of PKK and Dharma Wanita Unity (DWP) in Batam which will perform the pilgrimage. Wednesday (6 / 10), the release candidate for Hajj pilgrims are disejalankan with Halal bihalal in the Hall Floor 4 Office of the Mayor of Batam.

  Activities were held in order to tighten the silaturrahmi between members and the management team of PKK DWP Batam and Batam. Erniati Asyari Abbas represents DWP Chairman of Batam, said that silaturrahmi who always maintained will be able to expand and extend the life of one's sustenance.

  Halal bihalal also as a means of forgiveness of past mistakes. Next to the pilgrims pilgrim, Erniati pray for survivors to go and come back kepangkuan family. Of course back to their homeland as a pilgrim Mabrur.

  Meanwhile Mariana Dahlan, the occasion gave high appreciation to all members present. To prospective pilgrims, Mariana ordered that perform all with sincere and solemn worship. "Despite current conditions in the Arab is very extreme temperatures," he said. But Mariana confident pilgrim is ready mentally and physically.

  The event continued with a pat of fresh powder is a form of blessing the managers of the PKK and the DWP to prospective pilgrims who will go.
  The release was also filled with spiritual spray Ustadz Yusuf Shafi. Closing tauziahnya, Joseph mehimbau to prospective pilgrims pilgrimage to always menyempurkan intent, provisions and kaifiyah in order to really become a Mabrur pilgrimage.

The event continued with the greet-shake joint. Do not forget, Team Leader of PKK with the Vice Chairman of Batam Batam DWP Unity gives a present to prospective Haj pilgrims who will go. (Chi)    

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