Purity: = 90% by SDS-PAGE. M.W. 55000. Ref.: Liu, Y-C., Et al. 1997. J. Biol. Chem 272, 9979; Bonnefoy-Berard, N., et al. 1995. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

Hygroscopic white solid. Packed in the inert atmosphere.
A selective, cell-permeable, irreversible, slow, tight-binding inhibitor of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS; kd = 7 nm).
Suitable for use in vitro and in vivo systems. Have the effect of ischemia brain protection by reducing the volume of ischemic lesion. Exhibits more than 5000 - and 200-fold effect of human iNOS than nNOS and ENOS, or, and more than 1000-fold activity against rat iNOS, compared with ENOS.
Purity: ≥ 95% by HPLC.
Dissolved in MeOH and H2O. M.W. 250.2.

Parmentier, S., et al. 1999. Br J. Pharmacol. 127, 546; Cardenas, A., et al. 1998. USD. J. Pharmacol. 354, 161; Parrino, EW, et al. 1998. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 66, 733;
Garvey, č.p., et al. 1997. J. Biol. Chem 272, 4959, Laszlo, F., and whittle, BJ 1997. USD. J. Pharmacol. 334, 99; Thomsen, L.L., et al. 1997. Cancer Res 57, 3300.

Liquid in phosphate buffered saline.
Avoid Freeze / thawing is.
Recombinant human 14-3 long-3T fused to GST.
14-3-3 protein family consists of a group of highly conserved protein, signaling complex functions to be transferred through the modulation of enzymatic activity, conformation, stability, and / or intracellular localization.

14-3-3T has been shown that protoncogene with Cbl and PI3-K in T cells. Useful for in vitro binding assays and as standards for immunoblotting.

Purity: = 90% by SDS-PAGE. M.W. 55000.
Ref.: Liu, Y-C., Et al. 1997. J. Biol. Chem 272, 9979; Bonnefoy-Berard, N., et al. 1995. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 10142.
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