Failure to menstruate often makes women wary and felt there was something wrong in the body

The absence of menstruation, or more commonly known by the term amenorrhea in medicine, is a condition when a woman does not get a period for more than 3 months of menstrual cycles. Amenorrhea is not a disease but merely a symptom of underlying disease. Therefore, amenorrhea can be classified into 2 major parts, namely primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea.

Primary amenorrhea means that the women would never get your period at all during his life. This condition is often caused by abnormalities acquired from birth, whether a genetic disorder, such as in Turner syndrome, and disorders due to abnormalities in the development process of reproduction equipment, such as the Tuba Muller agenesis disease that causes the uterus in the absence of the patient's body. Primary amenorrhea can also occur when there is a blockage or obstruction in the vaginal area, such as in the case that led to Hymen imperforata absence of menstruation due to the hymen is too thick, and cover the entire vaginal cavity so that menstrual blood can not get out. Amenorrhea in the case imperforata Hymen can be improved by surgery.

Secondary amenorrhea is a condition in which the woman had a regular period but by for some reason he did not get a period for more than 3 months of menstrual cycles. Amenorrhea cases that occurred in general is a secondary amenorrhea with a variety of causes. Here are some causes of secondary amenorrhea:

1. At the time of pregnancy and lactation

2. Menopause and premature menopause (menopause that occurs at age less than 40 years)

3. No. of ovulation or during ovulation abnormalities

4. eating disorders, for example in people with anorexia or bulimia nervosa

5. Sports and excessive weight, such as the female athlete

6. Stress

7. Obesity

8. Disorders of thyroid gland function

9. Malnutrition or poor nutrition that causes weight loss drastically

10.Akibat taking drugs such as contraceptive drugs such as birth control pills and implants under the skin

For the diagnosis of amenorrhea enforcement should be considered whether the absence of menstruation is included in the primary amenorrhea or secondary amenorrhea. If included in secondary amenorrhea, it is necessary to think that the absence of menstruation is the result of the pregnancy even if the patient never admitted to sexual relations. Therefore, a pregnancy test still must be done to help the enforcement of diagnosis. If it is a negative test result, then think about other causes.

Handling of amenorrhea is more aimed at the primary cause, not on its own amenorrhea. By improving conditions that cause amenorrhea, it is expected that the woman regained menstrual smoothly and orderly. Handling medications are generally given only hormonal supplements, such as progesterone supplements. But most important is dietary improvement, especially for the patients amenorrhea caused by malnutrition and obesity, exercise patterns for repairs caused by telampau exercise and excessive weight, and improved life styles due to stress.

If it continues symptoms, do not hesitate to consult a doctor or obstetrician. Hopefully with this article, she no longer worries when waiting for the periods each month!

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