The steps that must be done at the time a woman has vaginal discharge

Some steps that can be done if it is suffering from whitish sebgai following: 

1. Consult the obstetrician, the doctor will give medicine according to the complaint and the cause. Generally whitish infections caused by drugs given to deal with complaints and stop the infection process in accordance with the cause. The drugs used in the address discharge is usually derived from fluconazole group to deal with candida infection and metronidazole groups to deal with bacterial and parasitic infections. Drug dosage can be an oral dosage form of tablets or capsules, topically as a cream applied and the uvula directly inserted into the vagina. To discharge that is transmitted through sexual contact, therapy is also given to sexual partners and encouraged to not have intercourse as long as the treatment. 

2. For those who are married, do the examination with the couple. 

3. If you still have not healed well, test it and replace drug resistance with other drugs. There is the possibility that the bacteria were resistant to the drugs given. 

4. For those who are married, do pap smears. Especially if it has been aged> 35 years and complaints of vaginal discharge accompanied by a rat in the mouth of the womb because of concern is the virus that can trigger cancer. Ideally, a pap smear done once a year. 

5. If positive for the virus, could be followed by cervical examination using a magnifying device placed outside the vaginal lips. To support, also do urine tests and blood tests. 

6. The most important thing is to keep your vaginal area clean and try to get a healthy lifestyle for good endurance to support the perfect treatment. 

Knowledge of appropriate discharge will assist in distinguishing between normal vaginal discharge with a pathological vaginal discharge. So that prevention and control can be done early and keep you from infertility and cervical cancer is more advanced. Thus, always keep your self health including your personal area. (Gracia Dewi I.)

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