The process of ovulation, a process of release of the egg from the ovary, permanently after ovarian activity or ovaries disappeared

Menopause, may be said many feared by you, a woman, especially when reaching middle age. However, all women should get through this menopause. Many of the changes that will occur both physical changes and mental changes which will require many adjustments. But you do not need to worry, the origin can disiasati well, it will be passed successfully.

Menopause is the cessation of the process of ovulation, a process of release of the egg from the ovary, permanently after ovarian activity or ovaries disappeared. In short, menopause is the last menstruation. In the medical field can occur due to menopause natural processes (natural menopause) and that deliberately stopped menstruating for example, due to surgery (surgical menopause) or due to cancer treatment (medical menopause). But in this article we will focus on the natural menopause.

In reproductive age, her ovaries produce eggs and female hormones called estrogen and progesterone. Egg plays a role in the conception process. While the hormones estrogen and progesterone play a role in regulating the menstrual cycle and changes to the body accompanying mental and the menstrual cycle. At menopause, the ovaries will stop producing both eggs and hormones.

No one can with certainty determine when menopause is coming. Most women will experience at the age of 50 years but did not rule out if it happens more quickly or more slowly. This menopause process will take between 3 to 5 years to fully expressed when a woman has stopped menstruating for 12 months.

From penellitian, there is a connection between the first period with menopause. The earlier a woman's first menstruation has also slowed the menopause occurs, and vice versa slower first menstruation, the sooner it comes the menopause. There are other studies stating the best guide when a woman will experience menopause is when the mother of the woman's experience. However, many other factors that come into play, such as smoking that will accelerate the time of menopause for 2 years.

Perhaps this part of many commonly asked questions by you, the women, what will happen to you when you're experiencing menopause. Here are 7 facts and tips for menyiasatinya:

1 Decrease Fertility
This is related to the quality of eggs produced by the body of a woman. This process begins around age 35 to 38, about 10 to 15 years before menopause occurs.
• Arrange your pregnancy. The older the child, the greater the risk of having a baby with genetic abnormalities.
• Continue using contraceptives. Does not mean a decline in fertility, you're protected from pregnancy.

Menstrual Cycle Changes 2
Changes vary widely among individuals. There is a distance between cycles shorten, there are elongated, there's going to be bleeding more or only slightly (spotting). Even some women will experience menstrual suddenly stopped and did not menstruate again forever.
• Be calm.
• If you have menstrual bleeding for more or longer a longer bleeding or bleeding also occur between menstrual period immediately visit your doctor for a follow-up to the things that can be avoided dangerous.

3 Hot Flashes
The symptoms are a sensation of warmth to the body heat that occurs suddenly, especially in the chest area, face and head as a result of the widening of blood vessels. Other symptoms that follow such as sweating, increased pulse and increased the number of heartbeats.
• Try to recognize and avoid things that trigger hot flashes like the room is warm, emotional, hot beverages, certain foods, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes.
• Gunakan baju yang sejuk, gunakan kipas angin serta tidur di ruangan yang sejuk.
• When the hot flashes come, take a deep breath and slow to calm yourself.
• routine exercises can reduce stress or can also be a meditation, yoga or massage.

Emotional Changes 4
Many of the things behind this. Hot flashes often happen took place at night, which caused the woman who experienced it will have trouble sleeping. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue and emotional changes such as irritability. Hormonal changes also influential. In addition, many life events that occurred during this happens a little too much influence, for example conflict with young people, afraid of growing old, child marriage, retirement preparation for the work and so on.
• Join a fun activity.
• Expand friends talk.
• Eat regular and nutritious, less fat, alcohol and caffeine.
• exercises on a regular basis.
• Try stress reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation.
• Perform activities for yourself like a massage, manicure.
• Sleep enough every night.
• Laugh as much as possible.
• Find the parties competent to help you

5 Changes Vagina and incontinence
At this time the vagina will be shortened and narrowed. The vaginal wall becomes thinner and loses elasticity. The symptoms that will arise as a burning sensation, itching, bleeding and pain during intercourse. Sedangan the urinary tract will occur what is called urge incontinence, which means the passage of urine or wet yourself unconsciously. This can have an impact on the social environment and personal hygiene.
To changes in the vagina:
• Use a vaginal moisturizer to soften the vagina.
• Use vaginal lubricants that are water soluble or water-soluble to moisten the vagina.
• Perform Pap's smears and other gynecological examination regularly.
To inkontinesia:
• Set the number of beverages drunk enough.
• Reduce caffeine and acidic foods that will irritate the bladder.
• Keep clean, so free from infection.
• Do pelvic floor exercises (Kegel Exercise).
• Lose weight.

6 Changes Sexual Activity
In old age of sexual activity will change on both sides couples, either the woman or the man. Many underlying factors such as, changes in age, hormonal and psychiatric each pair. The changes that occur include decreased sexual response, decreased sexual activity, decreased sexual desire, sexual partners who become dysfunctional (eg difungsi erection) and so on.
• Extend the foreplay, this will prolong orgasm.
• Change your sexual habits, for example by making connections on the morning of copulation as a higher energy level.
• Make your partner approach that better relationships can be awakened.
• Try to help each other overcome their sexual partners.

7 Other
Weight gain will arise due to increased fat and decreased body muscle mass. In addition heart rate will tend to be more rapid. These include dicetuskannya by factors such as hot flashes that have been described above as well as emotional changes. Headaches will also be appear in women who are vulnerable to hormonal changes. And the things that others who followed with a decrease in the age of the woman.
• Eat a balanced nutritional diet with low calories
• Regular exercises
• Avoid stress triggers
• Do things that relieve tension
• Drink enough water
• Use sun-block to prevent skin cancer
• If you need additional food consumption

Besides the things above you also need to guard against diseases such as heart disease and blood vessels as well as porous bone disease or osteoporosis, which was mentioned will occur after you have passed the menopause. Therefore, menopause is not the time to be scared again, but should be prepared and disiasati as possible, so you can pass through as quickly as possible.

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