Known as a whitish or flour albus leukorrhe

Whitish, of course this term familiar among women. Almost all women in Indonesia have had a good discharge response caused by normal body functions or result - other than by the response of the body. In the world of medicine, known as white flour leukorrhe or albus. Discharge may indicate there is an abnormality in the reproductive tract and infections for example, reproductive organ abnormalities or cervical cancer. Therefore, important for a woman to find out whether she experienced vaginal discharge is normal or not. 

Discharge can be divided into two types, ie the physiological white is a normal body response and pathological response that is not a normal body. In normal circumstances, the vagina produces a clear-colored liquid, odorless, colorless, not excessive in number and are not accompanied by itching. This fluid serves as a natural protection, reducing the friction of the vaginal wall when walking and during sexual intercourse 

In addition to these fluids, in the vagina also lived protective bacteria called flora doderleins that under normal circumstances, stabilizing function of the vagina. In certain conditions a balance can be disturbed, for example, when stress so low immunity, before and after menstruation, fatigue, diabetes, when stimulated, pregnancy, or taking hormonal drugs such as birth control pills. This disturbance resulted in vaginal fluid that came out a bit excessive. This is called white (or flour leukorre albus). But white is caused by things - things that have been mentioned above is still in its early stages is usually normal because there is no change in color, odor, or itching. Women who experience vaginal discharge does not need to do treatment. Treatment with enough cooking water or soap betel leaf - vaginal soap sold in the market. However, the use of soap should not be excessive because it can kill flora doderleins useful to maintain the level of acidity in the vagina. 

Whitish to watch out for is discharge that is not a normal body response, in other words, pathological. This milky liquid until a greenish yellow, the numbers get even more out of underwear, thick, sticky, or smells bad, feels very itchy or hot, and causing injury in the mouth of the vagina. This type of vaginal discharge should be alerted to remember can be one indication of the symptoms of cervical cancer. Therefore, pathological vaginal discharge causes must be sought and adequately treated early. 

Lots of things - things that can cause pathological vaginal discharge, but most often caused by reproductive tract infections. The infection can come from: 

a. fungus Candida or Monilia 
Whitish due to this fungus will be milky white, thick, smelly and a bit loud, with a dominant itching in the vagina. As a result, the mouth of the vagina becomes red and inflamed. This discharge is usually triggered by pregnancy, diabetes, use birth control pills, and low body resistance. Newborns can also be infected by the fungus Candida vaginal discharge is due to accidentally ingested fluid that is the patient mother at birth. 

b. Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis 
Transmitted mainly through sexual contact, so including one in sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), but in addition it can also pass toiletries, toilet or lips that have been contaminated. Very thick whitish liquid, frothy, yellow or green with a metallic smell. Whitish because these parasites do not cause itching, but painful when pressed vagina. 

c. Bacteria Gardnella 
Most women who experience vaginal bacterial infection without symptoms - symptoms that are caused by bacteria. Vaginal discharge is usually thin, white, grayish, watery, frothy, and smelling fishy (Fishy Odor). Will be more penetrating odor after sexual intercourse and menstrual blood causes smells bad. If found irritating the vaginal area such as itching are usually lighter than the discharge caused by Candida albicans or Trichomonas vaginalis. 

d. Virus 
Whitish due to viral infections are often caused venereal diseases such as Condyloma, herpes, HIV / AIDS. Condyloma marked the growth of warts are very much with smelling liquid. This disease often affects pregnant women. While the herpes virus is transmitted through sexual intercourse. Symptoms such as blister wounds, there is around the vagina, a discharge itching, and felt hot. Need to watch out for discharge from a virus because the virus can infect one triggering factor for cervical cancer. 

Discharge can also be caused by allergies due to the objects included intentionally or not into the vagina like a tampon, or a contraceptive drug, pubic hair and threads from the blanket, pants, and others. In addition, the discharge can also be caused due to injuries such as puncture, impact, pressure or irritation that lasted long. 

Keep in mind, discharge does not cause cancer. Whiteness is just one of the symptoms caused by cancer, such as cervical cancer. Vaginal discharge caused by cervical cancer provides the symptoms of watery discharge, pink, brown, or black-containing blood and fetid. 

Vaginal discharge due to infection that left untreated in the long run can cause sterility. This is because the infection spread into the cavity of the uterus, the fallopian tubes and then up to the ovaries and can spread into the pelvic cavity. 

No need to panic if you have a vaginal discharge. Generally, women are experiencing vaginal discharge, especially in Indonesia, the high air humidity levels. Prevention, can be: 

1. Always keep personal hygiene, especially hygiene genitals. Vagina or pubic hair is too thick can be a place to hide germs. So, do not forget to cut or clean it up so that white drug delivery form more easily absorb the ointment. 

2. Get used to wash the vagina with the right way, namely with the movement from front to back. Rinse with clean water every toilet and shower. Do not forget to keep the vagina dry. 

3. Avoid vaginal moist atmosphere for prolonged use in wet pants, rarely changed and do not absorb sweat. Try to use underwear made of cotton which absorbs sweat. Use of too tight jeans also increase the humidity of the vagina area. Change tampons or panty liners in time. 

4. If white light is still in its early stages, try using soap or a special antiseptic rinse the vagina, but do not use too much because it will only turn off the normal vaginal flora and vaginal acidity is also affected. If necessary, consult your doctor. 

5. Avoid too frequent use talcum powder around the vagina, scented tissues, or toilet paper. This will make the vagina is often irritated. 

6. Consider a healthy environment. Discharge can also appear through unclean water. So, clean the tub, bucket, dipper, torn water, and toilet with antiseptic mouth to avoid the proliferation of germs. 

7. Faithful to the spouse is the first step to avoid the discharge caused by infection transmitted through sexual activity.

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