Menstruation, alcohol consumption, coffee, and chocolate, estrogen, prostaglandins, mefenamat acid, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium or in the composition

Then how can I fix? There are many things that can be done starting from the simple things, the use of drugs, to hormonal therapy. Here are some tips to prevent pain during menstruation: 

  1. Avoid vigorous exercise during menstruation. 
  2. Avoid consumption of alcohol, coffee, chocolate and also because it can increase estrogen levels which will trigger the release of prostaglandins can. Avoid too cold temperature foods such as ice cream. 
  3. Consumption of vitamin E, vitamin B6, or fish oil. 
  4. Consumption of vegetables and fruits and low-fat foods. 

Some things we can do to cope with abdominal pain during menstruation: 

• Apply with a hot water bottle (warm) right on the part that felt cramped (can be in the belly or waist rear) 

• warm water bath, may also use aromatherapy to calm down 
• Drink warm beverages containing high calcium 
• brushing, rubbing the belly / waist pain 
• Take a position so that the uterus depends menungging down. This can help relaxation 
• Take a deep breath slowly for relaxation. 

Drugs that are used to the supervision of a doctor. Can drinking analgesic (pain reliever) that many are sold at drug stores that contain mainly include mefenamat acid, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium or naproxenen in drug composition, provided the dose is not more than 3 times a day. If the use of analgesic medication did not work then hormonal therapy can be performed in accordance ajuran dokter.Bila pain complaints can be eliminated with a simple way then it is much better than the use of drugs because drugs cause dependence on the effect of pain relief and effect side not diinginkan.Prinsip therapy on primary menstrual pain equal to the secondary, but better if you consult directly with the obstetrician for further treatment. 

One thing the main thing is a healthy lifestyle for the convenience of your life. Good luck!

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