My best friend saved my life

Note: Excerpt from 1001 story (taken from Who's A New Kind yg ^ ^)

Two best friends were walking across the desert sand. Along the way, they argue, and one friend slapped. The man who slapped, was hurt, but without a word, he wrote in the sand: TODAY, my best friend slapped me on the cheek. They kept walking, until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The man who slapped his cheek and his heart hurt, but nearly drowned trying to swim, and was rescued by his friend. When ... he's coming round, and her fear was gone, he wrote on a stone: TODAY, my best friend saved my life. 

People who help and slapped his best friend, asked, "Why after I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write on the rock?" His friend said with a smile replied, "When a friend hurts us, we should write in the sand for SORRY wind came and blew away the text. And if something extraordinary happens, we should be carved in stone of our hearts, that are not easily blown away the wind. "

Useful for our Smoga smua ... amen.

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