Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts

Dust causes allergies (rhinitis Allergies can be accompanied with asthma / eczema)

Inflammation of the nasal cavity caused by an allergic reaction.
This disease can be cured in a few years but also for life and tend to be lowered.


* Sneeze
* Runny nose, runny nose
* In some cases, red and watery eyes.

* Nose and sometimes the eyes are particularly vulnerable to stimuli ranging from dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, perfume, hair, animal fur, certain foods and changes in the air.

* Allergic rhinitis may be accompanied with asthma / eczema.

* Check your doctor if symptoms persist and extremely disturbing, or stricken with complications.

* Stating the diagnosis of disease
* Treat allergies in particular
* Treat complications, if any.

* Try to find the cause of allergies and avoid
* Because the dust is the stuff of common allergens, so try to always be free of dust
* If you know is allergic to certain medications, please let the next of kin, doctor and pharmacist when you buy the drug.

Daily life causes stress makes the body produce the hormone adrenaline

Stress makes the body produce the hormone adrenaline that serves to defend himself.
Mild stress actually useful and can stimulate a person to think and to work even faster and harder. But the stress is too much and sustainable will be harmful to health.

* Menjadi mudah marah dan tersinggung
* Act aggressively and defensively
* Feeling always tired
* It is hard to concentrate or become forgetful
* Palpitation / pounding heart
Muscles tense
* Headache, stomach and diarrhea.

* Genesis of everyday life both happy and sad like:
- Married / with children
- Start a new workplace
- The loss of a loved one
* The problem of personal relationships
* Lessons school or work
* Not Healthy
* Environment, such as too crowded and too hot
* Financial Problems
* Lack of confidence or shy
* Too ambitions and ideals are too high
* Negative feelings, frustration
* Unable to get along
* Making decisions that could change the problem his way of life.

* High blood pressure and heart attacks
* Mental Illness, hysterical
* Eating disorders
* Can not sleep
* Migraine / headache
* Pain ulcer
* An asthma attack that adds weight
* Skin rash.

* View / measuring ability
* Find the cause of negative feelings and learn to overcoming
* Give yourself enough time to adjust to the changes to the other one
* Plan your time well
* Make decisions carefully
* Let others take to solve your problems
* Build a good incentive system in a way a lot of friends and have a happy family
* Keep your health, eating well, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly
* Rencakan time for recreation
* Relaxation techniques such as breath, meditation or massage.

Fluids, cells, oxygen and oxygen-vitamin, plasma, imunoglobulin, viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer cells

Blood is a combination of fluid, cells and particles, like the cells in the arterial, capillary and vein; send that oxygen-oxygen and nutrient substances to the network and the results of carbon dioxide and other wastes.

Liquid Component

More than half of the blood is a liquid (plasma), which most of the salt-salt terlarut and protein. Main protein albumin in the plasma is. Protein is an antibody (imunoglobulin) and protein coagulation. Plasma also contains hormones, electrolytes, fat, sugar, minerals and vitamins. In addition to the distribution of blood cells, plasma also: - a reserve of water for the body - and prevent mengkerutnya vein tersumbatnya - helps the blood pressure and circulation to the whole body. More importantly, antibodies in the plasma to protect the body against foreign materials (eg viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer cells), when the protein coagulation control bleeding. In addition to managing and distribution of the hormone effect, the plasma is also cool and warm the body, in accordance with their needs.

Components SEL

1.Sel blutrot (eritrosit). Cells is the comparison with the 2 other cells, which under normal circumstances, to reach almost half of the volume of blood. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, the red blood cells transport oxygen from the lungs and mengantarkannya network to the whole body. Oxygen is used to supply energy to the cells, with waste materials such as carbon dioxide, which are transported by red blood cells from the net and back into the lungs.

2. White blood cells (leukosit). The amount is less, with a comparison, about 1 white blood cell count for all 660 red blood cells. There are 5 types of white blood cells that work together to identify the main mechanism of the body against infections, including antibodies.

a) Neutrofil (62%), also known as granulosit contain enzyme with Granule-Granule, height maximum. Neutrofil protect the body against bacteria and fungi infection and foreign substances mencerna remains of inflammation. There are 2 types of neutrofil the tape-shaped neutrofil (imatur, immature) and neutrofil bersegmen (ripe, cooked).

b) Limfosit (30%), have 2 types, namely limfosit T (provides protection against virus infections and find and destroy some cancer cells) and B limfosit
(the antibody producing cells or plasma cells).

c) Monosit (5.3%), mencerna cells that die or are damaged, and offers a variety of organisms imunologis resistance against infections.

d) Eosinofil (2.3%), to kill parasites, destroy cancer cells and play an important role in allergic reactions.

e) Basofil (0.4%), also play a role in allergic reactions.

3. Platelets (trombosit).
Is that particles such as cells, with a size smaller than red blood cells or white blood cells. As part of the protective mechanism of blood to stop bleeding, trombosit collected at the bleeding and the pengaktivan. After pengaktivan, akan trombosit related to clot formation and sumbatan that help the vicinity of blood vessels and stop the bleeding. At the same time, trombosit release materials, which contribute to the freezing.

Red blood cells tend to flow seamlessly into the blood vessels, but not the case with the white blood cells. Many of the white blood cells involved in the wall of blood vessels, or even penetrate the walls to go to another network. If the white blood cells in the area of infection or other problems, it is the material that is more white blood cells.

Function of white blood cell count is like the army in the whole body, but ready to be collected and the various organisms that enter the body.

Red blood cells, white blood cells and trombosit in the bone marrow. In addition limfosit in the lymph gland and spleen, and T limfosit made and matured in the thymus (a small gland near the heart). Only active thymus gland in children and young adults. In bone marrow, blood cells originate from a single type of cells as stem cells. When a stem cell divided, the first form is the red blood cells that are not cooked (imatur), white blood cells or cells which trombosit (megakariosit). Then, when imatur Split cells will mature and eventually become one of the red blood cells, white blood cells or trombosit.

Velocity of the formation of blood cells is in accordance with the needs of the body. If the oxygen content in the network or the number of digits red blood cells decreases, and the kidney akan release eritropoietin (hormone stimulates bone marrow to create more red blood cells). Bone marrow and released more white blood cells in response to infection and trombosit as an answer to the Bleeding

By knowing the size and shape of abnormal blood cells, can help to know the state of our body.

Blood cell "phase contrast and dark field microscopy"

Analysis of blood cells (live blood analysis) is a method for analysis of health care a practical, economical, and effective for the state body megetahui by observation "blood cells" with the tool "Phase Contrast and Darkfield Microscopy."

Setetes blood on the finger tips of the hands with a sterile needle and the glass object, and blood cells through a microscope and analyzed the results directly on the screen.

Analysis of blood cells, which give information about the condition of the body through:

• 's adequacy of oxygen, vitamins, water, minerals and other essential nutrients
• The distribution of blood fats (cholesterol, trigliserida)
• The acid-crystal fiber
• Summary fungus / parasite
• pH Balance (acid status basa body)
• hormone
• attacks of free radicals triggered penuaan beginning of illness and degeneratif
• The decline in organ function
• disturbance of blood circulation, digestion, immunity and other body systems
• Liver stress
• Metal Weight
• And others

This is unlike the blood during the test is used in many laboratories. In addition to practical and effective, the process and the results of this check is made to human health, health solutions and offers a comprehensive approach so that it is more pressure on health care costs.

This indeed is the condition of the body ..... practical evidence currently available

Analysis of blood cells with this you can see your own blood cells, you can see how their own white blood cells to the bacteria on the monitor, and other subtansi. You do not have to wait long until a week more to see results, you can view the results and the interpretation of the condition of the body.

In contrast to the conventional analysis of blood (called a CBC = Complete Blood Count), the need to wait some time to get results, while generally on the blood cells die after an hour of time.

By directly and find out the occurrence of direct interaction between practitioners with you, it can immediately dicarikan comprehensive solution on the current state of health permasalah experienced. Everyone should follow ....

Each person should this test, as this indicator is practical and effective health care is at this time. Someone who has been suffering from the disease will also benefit if the test is because they understand how the body condition and how to solve them.

Any person with the disease or condition of health problems following this test should be (not necessarily on this list only):

* Asthma
* Emfisema, paru other conditions
* Sinus, flu and fever
* Easy-infection
* Joint inflammation (arthritis) and other diseases autoimun
* Osteoarthritis
* Rigid body muscles, pain (fibromialgia)
* Adrenal stress
* Addictions drink (alcohol, etc.)
* Poisoned medicine
* Senility (Alzheimer's)
* Cancer
* Candida (fungus, Leavened), keputihan
* Eczema
* Allergies
* Psoriasis
* Cholesterol, trigliserida
* Diabetes (mellitus diebetes)
* Heart disease and hypertension
* Kidney rudiment
* Depression
* Parkinson's disease or other nerve
* Poor concentration, easily forgotten
* Digestive disorders (ulcer, dispepsia, etc.)
* Iritabilitas bowel syndrome, abdominal pain spt, kembung, interference. CHAPTER (irritable bowl syndrome)
* Fatigue
* Taste burnt, hot on the menopause (hot flushes)
* Hormonal imbalance (cyst, myoma, STDs, benjolan chest, etc.)
* Heart problems and gall bladder (perlemakan, gallstones, etc.)
* Leukimia (blood cancer)
* The lack of nutrition or a diet
* Less Energy
* Penuaan top
* Problems tiroid
* Excess body weight, decrease in body weight too quickly
* etc.
Such as whether the condition of the blood? Tahukan you that the red blood cells have a direct connection with the current health status and the future?

Live Blood Analysis (Analysis of blood cells)

The research shows that heart disease, hypertension and cancer are still the major killer disease worldwide.

Discover practical ways to learn more about the condition of the body through the analysis of blood cells (live blood analysis), so that you can prevent the disease or condition that is not the desired location.

Blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to the entire network and the body to transport waste outside of the body, if the mechanism is subject to the totality of the collected waste, lack of energy, the cell faster than the development / improvement of cells, organs do not function optimally and penuaan beginning of the disease degeneratif.

Healthy blood cells in blood cell analysis live:

Blood cells have a uniform size, stand-alone (not bertumpukan each other), the plasma clean. Blood cells such as these to move freely and perform their functions.

Blood cells is not healthy in the live blood cell analysis:

Blood cells can bertumpukkan, or is there something that is not uniform, or particles such as parasites, fungi, cholesterol crystals, etc., and plasmanyapun appear dirty. Blood cells such as this can not work.

CONSTRUCTION IN BLOOD SEL implies an improvement of the network and organ

How about you?

Follow the live blood analysis now

Gallstone Berbaya for women, risk factors are obesity (Obesity), high-fat diet

Gallstone formation is gallbladder Crystal clusters in bile or in the channel. Stones in the gallbladder is kolelitiasis, while the stones in the bile called koledokolitiasis channel.

What is it?

Gallstone formation in women and risk factors are: overweight (obesity), high-fat diet, longevity, and the descendants of factors.

The main components of bile are cholesterol stones, and some other small form of calcium salt. Bile fluid contains a large amount of cholesterol, which are usually more liquid form. If the liquid bile is saturated, because of cholesterol, cholesterol, it may not be dissolved and formed outside the biliary sludge.

Most gallstones form in the gallbladder and the majority of the stones in the bile in the channel from the gallbladder. Gallstones in the bile in the channel when the flow of bile through a constriction behind the line or after the adoption of gallbladder.

Gallstone formation in the bile in the channel can cause serious infection of the bile channel (kolangitis), infection of the pancreas (pancreatitis) or an infection of the heart. If bile clog the channel, then the bacteria grow rapidly and infection in the canal. The bacteria can travel throughout the bloodstream and other infections in body parts.

How can I feel the symptoms?

Most of gallstone formation in a long time does not cause symptoms, especially if the stones in the gallbladder. Sometimes a big stone is gradually remove gallbladder wall and into the small intestine and colon, and a halt to the intestine (ileus gallstone formation).

This happens more often is the gallstones in the gallbladder and bile are. Channel from the bile, gallstones may participate in the small intestine or in the channel without bile and gall bladder symptoms.

If the gallstone formation is suddenly bile clog the channel, then the patient is pain. Lost more pain and discharge as painful colic. Pain relief and slowly reaches its peak, then declined gradually. The pain is sharp and the lack of relief devices, can take up to several hours. Location of pain is different, but most are in the stomach on the right side and could return to the right shoulder. Often nausea and vomiting.

If the infection occurred simultaneously with the channel setting, it will have fever, chills and jaundice (jaundice). Downtime is usually transient and rarely infection. Painful standstill by a channel can not be distinguished with pain due to gallbladder standstill. Stoppage on ductus sistikus cause gallbladder inflammation (acute kolesistitis).

Gallenstein that clog style pankreatikus cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), pain and jaundice may also be infected. Sometimes the pain is no longer relapse again after the gallbladder was, this pain can be reduced by gallstone formation in the bile in the channel.

How do I know if I have gallstones?

Consideration to gallstone formation is the examination and USG kolesistografi. On kolesistografi, radiation is the picture of the path of the contrast radioopak substances were swallowed, absorbed in the intestine to remove and in the bile in the gallbladder. If the gallbladder does not work, unlike cloth is not in the gallbladder. If the gall bladder function, the periphery of the gall bladder is on the X-ray image.

Diagnosis of stone in the bile channels ditegakkan on the basis of abdominal pain, jaundice, fever and chills. The results of blood examination usually shows a pattern of abnormal liver function, which shows the channel setting Galle.

Some of the other controls that provide additional information to make a final diagnosis is:


- CT scan
- A variety of techniques, the image Roentgen radioopak biliary contrast agents to describe the channel.

What should I do?

Channel gallstones can cause a serious problem because it must be removed. Since the composition of the largest gallstone formation is cholesterol, berkolesterol avoid foods high in general, from animal fats.

Liver-cleansing program will help in removing gallstones without surgery.

Institutions like most of the large and very complex is the heart Heart

Organ is the largest and most complex. Weight of approximately 1, 5 kg in adults. For the exercise of its functions. Fiscal year to a chemical and many chemical processes.

The main function of the heart, oxygen, hazardous substances that are absorbed in the intestine and in the rest of the body, then remove them from the substance is not harmful to the blood or bile. Substances in the bile in the intestine, there is in the faeces. Substances in the blood by the kidneys is filtered and disposed of the urine with water.

Other liver function:

* To the bile for the digestion of food
* Decompose the excess fat and amino acids (proteins unit Composer)
* Help the blood sugar. The sugar is stored in the liver and analyzed how glikogen and released into the blood stream glucose, in accordance with the requirements of the job (for example, if the blood sugar level is too low).
* Store vitamin A vitamin terlarut fat and certain minerals (iron and copper)
* Was that the blood through
* Proteins help the clotting
* Control the formation of blood cells and demolition waste

The liver produces about half of the body of cholesterol, the rest comes from food. Approximately 80% of cholesterol in the liver is used for bile. The cholesterol in a certain amount is necessary to make certain hormones (estrogen, including hormone testosterone and the adrenal hormones).

Therapy e-book, enzymes of the energy cells, fungal infections is of crucial importance, ethanol

Author Doug Kaufmann asserts that fungi in foods may play a role in cancer therapy

Cancer Strategies: a weakened immune system leads to cancer ...
A strong immune system to search and destroy cancer cells

Of the immune system has been able to kill the cancer cells because they are not developed. That is their job. For cancer to have developed in your immune system must be worn out, inefficient and unable to deal with cancer cells.
It is important to strengthen the immune system to better fight cancer. Especially if the medical supplies, the destruction of the immune system, and the body more acidic boat.
Many natural supplements support the immune system. The trick is to find and use the people who work best, because it is easy to resources on products that are not about the task. The other is to ensure that you have enough. Cancer is not something to the red before. Take 5 to 10-times its normal amount of additional work seems best when the use of natural supplements.
Natural Therapies 11 E-book are seven or eight of the best immune system, and of course you will learn the key is first used.

Wound infections due to bites

Cancer: Candida and fungal infections may cause cancer ...
Removal of these fungal infections is to get rid of cancer
Some doctors, the theory that Candida causes or systemic fungal infections or in the least to contribute to the development of cancer. That makes sense. A large body of Candida infection plays chaos on the immune system. Not only the immune system is overwhelmed and will be borne from the fight against infection, but Candida (or other fungi), which continue to weaken and remove dangerous toxins in the body.

Candida main waste product is acetaldehyde, which produces ethanol. Ethanol can be in the big car, but in the body leading to excessive fatigue, and reduce the strength and durability. In addition, the enzymes needed for cell energy, and causes the release of free radicals, which damage the DNA.

Ethanol also inhibits the absorption of iron. Since iron is one of the most important oxygen supports in the blood, ethanol in your body a low oxygen content. And you know what happens if your body can not work well with oxygen. Candida-related if you want to beat cancer.

Some doctors to ensure Fungi as a cause of leukemia. In 1999 Meinolf Karthaus, MD, saw the three children with leukemia suddenly go into remission after receive three antifungal drug cocktail for their "secondary" fungal infections.
In 1997 Mark Bielski that leukemia, whether acute or chronic, is intimately related to the yeast, Candida albicans, which mutates into fungal form when overgrows.

Milton White, MD. believe that cancer is a chronic, infectious, fungus disease. He found fungal spores in every sample of cancer she learned network. Other doctors of the same opinion. Cancer is a strategy to fight the Italian MD uses to prevent attacks of Candida alkalinizing the digestive system. He has his patients drink teaspoon baking soda, baking powder, a glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast. Some of his patients eliminate their cancer just this. We recommend the use of at least 3 teaspoons per day, and have heard of people with as much as 10 teaspoons a day are used in 5 quarts water.

Author Doug Kaufmann asserts that fungi in foods may play a role in cancer therapy. He has children free of their documented leukemia once the parents that the child is simply food. Kaufmann is the nutritional basis for the widely published problem of mycotoxin contamination of our food grain.

Cereals such as maize, wheat, barley, sorghum, and other foods such as peanuts, are often contaminated with cancer-causing fungal poisons called mycotoxins. One of them, called aflatoxin, it happens to be the most carcinogenic substance on earth.

He says we consume, on average, from 0.15mg to 0.5 mg of aflatoxin per day. It is therefore not surprising that sugar alone is the problem in our western diet, but fungal toxins that are in the sugary grains. More than once has Kaufmann interviewed a caller (on his health talk show) who absolutely craved peanut butter and popcorn just before their diagnosis of cancer.

Kaufmann feels that antibiotics may play a role in this. Antibiotics destroy the normal, protective gut bacteria, the intestinal yeast and fungi grow disabled. Resulting in Candida overgrowth. This can lead to immune suppression, symptoms of autoimmune diseases, or even cancer.

"If the occurrence of symptoms or disease, cancer included, came from a course of antibiotics," he says, "and then look for a fungus to be at the root of the problem."

In the 11 Natural Therapies E-book, you will have a free and easy, you can test yourself to see if you have candida overgrowth. And then learn what is the single best product to fight candida. (It will help to kill cancer cells!)

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Child immunization: Every baby and child must undergo a series of immunization in infancy.
Goal: To make them stronger for some types of diseases that can cause disability or even threaten lives.

Immunization means to give a specific disease germs that are weakened or turned off, appear to be resistance from the body of the baby / child.
Generally, their resistance was successful, so that they become immune (immune) against the disease.

Compulsory immunization = Because the disease is very dangerous to the soul baby / children:
~ BCB (Bacillus Calmette G): the causes of tuberculosis.
~ Diferi, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT): ditenggorokan causes pain, respiratory tract, and muscle cramps.
~ Measles: Causes respiratory inflammation and encephalitis.
~ Polio: The cause nerve paralysis.
~ Hepatitis: causes inflammation in the liver and heart pengerasaan.

Because immunization recommendation = disease can reduce the quality of life babies / children:
~ MMR (Maesles, mump, rubella): The cause of measles, German measles and gondongan
~ Hib: The cause inflammation - paruparu meningitis and brain.
~ Varicella: causes chickenpox.
~ Hepatitis A: The cause of inflammation in the liver.

Diet and fitness Adolescent

How do we look? What we feel?

In line with changes in the body in adolescence, as well as a description of the self-assessment form we start. Self-esteem (self esteem) is how we assess and appreciate ourselves. Get to know us is that we belong to, regardless of shape, size or color.

Good health starts from the way food is good and appropriate physical activity. A healthy eating pattern is to consider what, when and how much food you will eat. The key to diet is like and continue to run it. Eating too little will slow the metabolism even as teenagers we prevent our growth.

* Remember lo ... Do not chase wasted time so that growth does not regret later on, OK?

Examples of good eating habits, among others, as follows.

* Familiarize oneself for breakfast
* Less sweet and oily food. Sweet foods tend to increase dopamin release mechanism that will cause a mild addiction.
* Stay on the portion of the regular, if it can not share every day super ya.
* Eat when hungry, not when you bored.
* Choose foods low fat and cholesterol
* Replace snacks with fruits
* Drink lots of water
* Do not eat while watching television. This will cause you to eat more than you plan.

In addition to healthy food four of the five perfect is well known by all knowledgeable young, the body you need enough nutrien below.

Calcium nutrien is found in the milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and green. (Calcium is the mineral that gives strength to the tulangmu). Our bones grow rapidly during adolescence. This requires adequate calcium Feed. .

Metal substances obtained from meat, pea, cereals and raisins.
Vitamin A is obtained from milk, tomatoes, orange juice, and vegetables.
Vitamin D and sunlight milk that has been difortifikasi with vitamin D.
Vitamin C from fruit sitrus, orange, tomato and melon.


Sexual Diseases

Sexually transmitted disease is usually transmitted from person to person through sexual contact, not only intercourse but also through oral or anal. Data shows 2 / 3 people with sexually transmitted diseases infected before age 25 years. If we think that we can identify someone who has PMS or not, it means that we Error. Not all types of STDs have symptoms that can be seen from the outside. Many STDs do not show exactly which symptoms can be observed.
Following the example of disease that is transmitted through sexual / sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Chlamydia *
The most common STDs that can cause sterilitas. This infection often does not show obvious symptoms.
Gonorrhea *
One of the most common STDs and can be cured. Can be transmitted through sexual, anal or oral.
* Genital Human Papiloma Virus
Often cause a wart on the genitals. Some type of show lead to the possibility of a malignancy such as cancer serviks, penis or anus. Pap smear is one of the recommended tests to check / detect the possible occurrence of cancer early in women serviks.
* Herpes
A very painful infection caused by the virus. You can carry the virus without symptoms and still potentially transmit this virus. Herpes can be cured but difficult total.
* Hepatitis B
This infection can cause chronic infection and permanent liver damage even death. Hepatitis B is very infectious and is spread through body fluids or blood. Although the dangerous but can be prevented with a vaccine. So make sure your have received the hepatitis vaccine.
Syphilis *
This disease is very dangerous and fatal. Marked difference with the skin that is not painful. K can be spread through ontacts with people. Sifilis can cause complications in the heart, brain, and Spinal korda.
This disease is marked by the occurrence of a decrease in the body's immune system and the incidence of disease due to microorganisms broadcaster actual normal flora in the body. To this disease at this time can not be cured.

Honest communication with a pair of wise choices in preventing spread STDs. No word is not too late to make a sexual relationship or sexual pairing in the faithful. Do not do is the most secure choice, although condoms can reduce the risk of transmission.

Please note that not all means of contraception to prevent STDs and AIDS transmission. Condoms are often called to protect the spread of HIV atupun gonorrhea. However, there is no evidence or research that simply stating that condoms can prevent STDs other. And the need emphasized, STDs are transmitted through sexual contact can also be transmitted through anal or oral. So, be careful!



One of the most serious disturbance that is experienced by young people between the yes and no to sexual relations. Every parent is concerned about any possible action against her son to sexual adolescence at the time. This risk is cause various problems such as unwanted pregnancy (KTD) considering the physical or psychological factors in general, teenagers are still not ready to face the risk that changes in our future course. The question, we are ready to do the changes?

If we decide not to do so is a decision best remember ourselves as teenagers still have a long time to have to declare themselves ready to do so. Clear, No sex for any of the methods are really safe! The most secure is not necessarily with sexual conduct before marriage.
*** The Safest Sex is No Sex ***.

Believe that we ourselves can best make the decision, namely not to make the sex before marriage. Remember that we have the right to:

* Changing your mind
* Decided the best thing for your self
* Decided "NOT" with positive activities
* Leave the situation or environment that does not support you for doing so are not affected

Perhaps many of us are not aware that sexual orientation before we start entering puberty. Elections sexual orientation is part of the development of psychological and physical. Although the orientation may deviate like the gay people (gay or lesbian), sexual orientation is not something that can be decided by other people, but the rights of each human self. Gay normal when it is said can be received in a certain culture and does not say when the normal is not acceptable in another culture, but we should still be respect the man without his sexual orientation discrimination.

Surveys show ***

men are able to solve problems more quickly, while women analyze complex issues better.

In addition, fifty-four percent of men have sex several times a day, while women only nineteen persennya. That is the facts about gender differences in the human brain. This is very interesting to be given the limitations and environmental norms often cover what is actually there in the human brain. We do not, but do not deny that there is every human being has a sexual interest in other people.

However, if there is among us decided to continue the relationship at the point sexual relationship (although not the best decision when it is not based marriage bond), this means you have to keep themselves and your partner from unwanted pregnancy (KTD) or transmission of sexual diseases (PMS). If you decide to sexual relationships, self-protected!
But it should still be remembered, have sexual relationships that really safe?


ALAT contraception and sexual myths

Contraception is a form of a pair questioned min. Each woman sexual conduct with a man then he has to experience the risk of pregnancy! It is wise when you discuss sexual issues with your partner about the prevention of the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy and disease before deciding to do either sexual anal / vaginal or oral. Could not be denied that the most effective method in preventing pregnancy is to not make a sexual relationship (Abstinence), although many methods of contraception available.

* Various colors and types of condoms

If used correctly, condoms are a very effective method in preventing pregnancy, although not one hundred percent safe. No leakage occurred close to the possibility of condom use. In addition there is sometimes a tendency to release the result of a condom does not feel comfortable. Of course this is NOT the wise decision!

In addition, there is no safe method in the sexual relationship which is often done as interrupted coitus, petting (each clink genitals without penetration), oral sex (oral use), or anal sex (through the anus / rectum). All the above is very risky. Interrupted coitus and petting can not guarantee to prevent pregnancy. Many cases of unwanted pregnancy show that sexual activity is conducted coitus interrupted or petting, but will not be able to prevent pregnancy. This may occur because of very liquid lubricants issued pair of women during sexual touch can accelerate sperm guidance to the organ in a woman who ultimately tuba falopii to place the occurrence of fertilization. In addition, sperm can only ejakulasi before going out with a small quantity that will be triggered by pergerakannya liquid lubricant from the sex organs of women.

What we do is the responsibility of the responsibilities you have for life. So should not try before I officially married!
Summary oral or anal sex is not wise choice in sexual conduct because the oral (mouth) or anal (anus / rectum) has a normal bacterial flora in the area but has a risk of harm if moved in the other body including the vagina or penis. So you should avoid the activity.

Similarly, in ativitas osculation (deep kiss), which allows the exchange of bacteria occurred between couples. This is very risky cause various forms of disease such as disruption to the throat wound or ulcer in the stomach.

So the option remains on ourselves. If you can not afford to withhold sexual stimulus that appears one of the options is to do masturbasi (sexual activity itself). Many pro and contra of the influence of maturbasi of health, for example, myths masturbasi against pengeroposan bones. But it's not medical terms, the survey shows that even masturbasi mentioned the depression that can occur. But this option back to you.

If possible switch to the sexual desires a more positive activities such as sports or arts and other activities. This is certainly more useful and meaningful and of benefit to the future. Okay guys?


HEALTH TOOLS reproduction Teenagers and sexuality

Many of us ashamed to discuss sexual problems and sex is still considered as taboo to be discussed. But that can not be denied that sexuality is important to note. Sexuality is not only associated with sex or flit pair. Sexuality can also review of how we respect ourselves. How do we treat a system that was created by God specifically on each of the human reproduction system.

In addition to learn more about our gender system, we also need to know how to lho reproductive system other work. Now for the scanning of the reproductive system both men and women and information about sexuality among adolescents see the following information yach ...

SYSTEM Reproductive Males

Male reproductive system produce sperm. Is that sperm cells can join with the egg cell to form the women's offspring. This system also makes sexual hormones required for male sperm production and sexual development in pubertas. Sex male penis consists of, testis, and scrotum, which is dependent to its testis. Each testis was filled by tubula seminiferus which is the region where sperm production. Sperm stored in a channel that is epididimis coil-coil found in each testis. A channel that is another vase deferen each epididimis connect to a channel ejakulasi connected to uretra. So uretra is merging the two channels through its urin or issued prior to sperm outside the body.

In addition, men have a gland that is three and a pair of seminal gland prostat the issue and bring liquid to enrich sperm.

Fluid with sperm to form a fluid called semen. Sexual activity on the network of blood filled erektil penis that makes the penis rigid and aft so that women can enter the vagina. When muscle contraction ejakulasi cement shed along vas deferens, uretra downhill and out of the penis. Ejakulasi often accompanied orgasme (sexual satisfaction).

Pubertas is the development of sexual characteristics, and its mature sexual organs. In the boys, pubertas usually begins between the ages of 12 and 15 years old and lasted for 3 to 4 years. Pituitari gland in the bottom of the brain hormone stimulation began removing the testis to produce hormone testosteron. This triggers changes in hormones such as sex organ enlargement and the growth of body hair (often in the wrong artikan as "fur"), sperm production and increased sexual encouragement.
Once the sperm enters puberty continue to be made in the testis. Around 125 million sperm can be produced in a day. The mature sperm in the store in a channel called epididimis coil which is located behind the testis. Sperm will just spill out when the sexual activity or re-absorbed into the body.

What is a wet dream?
Adolescent males produce sperm every day. Sperm does not always issued, it can be absorbed by the body. Sperm can be removed through a process called ejakulasi, the discharge sperm through the penis. Ejakulasi can occur naturally (not by young people were male) through the wet dream.

FEMALE reproductive SYSTEM

truktur internal female reproductive system, among others, ovary, tuba falopian, uterus and vagina is there in the bottom third of the stomach. Folikel ovary contains a store of eggs, the cells can join with the sperm of men to form the offspring. Each month an egg to be cooked and released from the ovary. Fimbriae lead to tuba falopian egg (fertilization of a place) that will be encouraged to the womb.

Vagina is the muscular wall of the channel connecting the uterus outside the body. Outside the general structure of the vulva is called klitoris include sensitive and skin fold called the labia duty to protect the entrance and uretra vagina. Right behind the vagina there is a Bartholin gland mensekresi a liquid lubricant when exposed sex.

Pubertas is where the sexual characteristics develop and sexual organs become mature. In the girls pubertas starting at around age 10 and 14 and lasts up to 3-4 years. Pituitari began removing the gland hormone stimulates the ovary to produce hormones progesteron women. Hormones start to trigger this change, such as physical and pinggul breast enlargement and sexual hair growth and axilla. In addition, these hormones also stimulate ovulasi and menstruation.

Fertile period
Fertile period is a period where the discharge of a cell in the female egg. Point occurred at the peak of fertility to 14 days before the next menstruasi. But the next date menstruasi often not sure on the teenagers. Usually taken during the 3-5 fertile days before and after 14 days to it. During the adolescent pregnancy prevention with a sexual relationship does not perform in the fertile period (calendar system), can not be relied upon. This is the cycle mentruasi on adolescent women are usually not organized.


Often associated in breast excite sexual abuse, but the main role is producing water of milk for the baby. During pubertas hormone estrogen causes breast to grow and develop. During pregnancy, hormonal changes make up the breast in pregnancy and continues to stimulate the production of milk by the breast gland. This gland is connected to the channel toward the open channel ampulae toward the surface hilt. Of breast tissue is fat with a small network that helps sustain the breast.

* Breast examination should be performed by women and men the possibility to detect breast cancer.

TIPS: Keeping Sex Organ HEALTH

Sex organ is the organ which is very important for every individual. This organ is susceptible to various changes still need to be kept up. Some tips can be used as a guide to keep our sex organ health.

1. Clean the sex organs of each day with clean water. For the boys, especially those in the circumcision does not try to clean the inside cover of the penis. Dirt that is in (called smegma) may trigger the occurrence of cancer. So must be cleaned every day. For those who do not disunat, make sure that it was closing the open perfectly. If the patch is still very risky cause disease. So try to remove it. If you have difficulties to see a doctor immediately given to the handling.
2. Meanwhile, the women also need to clean the sex organs of each day with clean water. Coming months, especially during times when "many", clean and change more often to prevent the growth of bacteria on the bandage to be used. Clean sex after defecate with the movement direction of the front to back. Although this is trivial but very important because the bacteria in the anus can move towards clean when reversed. Be careful yach ..
3. Try a short hair cut regularly genitalia. Do not leave your hair still long genitalia / dangle-juntai because it is a habitat for bacteria. However, do not walk out your hair genitalia. Hair genitalia have a normal bacterial flora that is useful to maintain the health you gender.
4. Change in the pants at least twice a day. Pants in a very risk bacterial habitat that is not useful if in dirty or humid conditions due to sweat.
5. Avoid exposure of sexual organs liquids or dangerous waves elektromagnet strong (eg, X-ray). Especially for the boys try to avoid the use of leggings or paste something warm / hot (eg, laptop) at the top of the thigh or on your gender. This effect on the production system cells gender you. Stay cautious yach.


Drugs and alcohol

WHAT IS drugs?

Drugs is a compendium of dangerous drugs and drug addict. Term drug addict comes from the Greek narkotikos, which means "wobble". Found the first time come from the substance-the substance that can help people to sleep. In the United States, legally, drug addict to the poppy, poppy derivative and synthetic compound turunannya. Some can be inserted through the mouth and through injections. Other types used in the form of dihisap such as cigarettes or dihirup through the nose directly.
People who use drugs can become addicted or addicted. People will try to do anyway in order to obtain drugs again, even through criminal means. People's eyes will be red. They become brown lips, and even their body's resistance will go down. Resistance when they go down the body, they are easy to disease. Their bodies will become emaciated, and less enthusiastic.


Ternyata Narkoba banyak jenisnya lho.. mau tau kan??

Ekstasi Stimulation and is a part halusinogen. Effects usually involve the use of ekstasi difficult to sleep, increased heart tap, increased blood pressure, nervous, pale and excessive perspiration, dehydration, and the mood changed. While the long-term effects can damage the kidneys, heart, motor ability and memory as possible.

Hasheesh actively tetrahidrocanabinol material that can create awareness of lost or fly. Effects of marijuana: the nervous, weak and want to continue sleeping, feeling happy / laughing continuously, big appetite, change the perception of space. Long-term consequences: disruption brain memory / forgetful and difficult thinking / concentration.

Putau pulp is heroin or heroin low degree (heroin class 5 or 6). Substance is derived from the poppy flower essence. Putau shaped like a powder and sold in the form of a gram or gauw package. Because the injections are used, putau cause additional risk of harm, the Hepatitis C and HIV. Death due to over dose (OD) is a great danger that many victims have been taking the putau. Putau include the effect of glaze, nod, do not speak clearly, difficult to concentrate. Sakau or pain occurs because when the putau habitue stop using putau.

Sakau actually one of the natural form of detoxification that is let pass the habitue sakau without drugs, in addition to the need to accompanied and motivated to recover. Sakau symptoms: watery eyes and nose, bones feel pain, itchiness all over the body under the skin, diarrhea, and cold.

Shabu-shabu or methamphetamine original name. Shaped crystals such as sugar or spice penyedap cuisine. Type, among others, the gold roiver, coconut and crystals. Shabu now have a tablet shape. Effect is caused: the spirit, restless and can not be silent, can not sleep and eat. Long-term: brain function and can interfere with the madness ended, paranoid, and heart disturbances.

GHB (liquid ekstasi, Georgia Home Boy, Liquid X). This medication can cause sedation effects (sleepy), slow breathing and heartbeat. In severe cases can cause death.

Ketamin (specifically potassium, Vitamin K, Cat, Valium). Cause amnesia, and as penghilng pain often inserted in the cigarette. Overdosis can cause delirium (comma) and even death. Never tried ya!

Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam).

The psychotropic very easily dissolved in beverages berkarbonasi and often in use in the case of rape (date rape). So you should be careful yach ..

Do not want to offer in the municipal waste water!

Nitrous Oxide. The type of gas that can cause a feeling of pleasure without limits and dizziness, merelaksasi muscle, lower blood pressure and heart rate speed up. The most hazardous substances can cause sudden death.

WHAT IMPACT bad use of drugs?

The number of users of drugs at the time of this line with the increasing number of pengidap Hepatitis C and HIV / AIDS. If we see the reality that there is at this point that the user syringe is growing and does not see the point of age, gender and race. Increasing the number of users is caused because most of them know the danger is less from drugs and do not get the correct information about the dangers of drugs so that they tend to continue to use it.

Hazards caused by use of various drugs and sometimes habitue itself is not likely to know the body organs which can fell ill, so they do not understand the consequences of that will cause much damage or they get their suffering. Drugs not only attacks the body's organs such as brain, heart and lungs and even the various viruspun will be more easily into their bodies, such as Hepatitis C virus, HIV / AIDS and other infectious diseases and the danger of this attack is not only physical but mental course, their emotional and spiritual.

Most of the drug users who use the syringe, will be more easily infected with Hepatitis C virus and HIV / AIDS. This is because users often tend to syringe exchange and syringe use the syringe on a continual basis without thinking about cleanliness of the syringe.

So most of them do not use a new syringe, they prefer to use a long syringe. In fact, from the use of a syringe without the constant attention to cleanliness will lead to the bacteria or virus that is in the syringe more easily into the body of the user and will be more easier to attack their organs.

The use of drugs is not only harming our physical lho course, but also the mental emotional and spiritual we are. So what there using drugs?

After understanding more about the dangers of drugs that can damage our body's organs such as heart, lungs and liver, and to know what impact that will occur if the user does not want to stop using drugs, we can certainly determine the best decision not to try it! We also need to see the reality that there are drugs that the user does not have a career but a good physical, mental, emotional and spiritual experience it will be harmful and even if it does not continue to use the possibility they will be dealing with the death of the fast. So .. Never try!

Alcohol CAN MAKE A WORLD feels rotate
Why Youth Must says No On Alcohol?

The alcohol is a simple chemicals that can make us addicted. Alcohol can disrupt the process of thinking and a variety of biological processes in the body. For example, when we first drank a glass of beer will be able to make us dizzy as though what we have to revolve around the slow and the process of thinking. According to the most people see and feel the world can revolve their release problems. Really? Not drunk after the problem is still there and waiting for us with the faithful? This means that the alcohol is very dangerous for all types of activities that require concentration and coordination such as learning. Severe if a teenager so habitue alcohol?

Alcohol can also disrupt us in the act and make decisions. Alcohol will make us incompetent conduct activities that we in fact already understand that the previous activities / actions that are at risk. This will lead us on a bad decision. For example, when drunk, we will tend to perform activities that are not useful as kebut-kebutan in the street, fighting and others.
What problems can be caused by Alcohol?

Alcohol can damage our health. Mengonsumsi The more alcohol the more damage caused. Increasing the level of alcohol in the blood can cause nausea and vomiting. One of the fatal consequences of alcohol for the body is cirrhosis (Peng contraction) in the liver. Cirrhosis causes the liver can not work longer to clean up the poison into the body. Alcohol can also cause injury or ulkus on the stomach causing bleeding in the organs. Some of the bad effects of alcohol for the body such as the following.

How much alcohol content in beverages? How is the relationship with the body?

Beer usually contains 3% -5% alcohol. Wine alcohol content reaches 9-16%. Teenagers will be poisoned and so drunk when the blood alcohol content reaches 0.08%.
How do we know ourselves we have a problem with alcohol?

Try to ask yourself the questions below to find out that you have a problem with alcohol. If most of your answers are "yes" may you have a problem with alcohol.

1. What to drink alcohol more than rata-rata/selalu less than planned? Suppose you want to drink 2 glasses eh even so 1 bottle ...
2. Do you feel difficult to stop drinking alcohol at the time of drinking alcohol is being absorbed?
3. What is difficult to remember an incident at the time of drinking alcohol?
4. Do you have any problems with the study, since the relationship with friends to drink alcohol?
5. Do you still drink alcohol, although alcohol is familiar cause many problems for yourself?
6. What to drink when you feel stress?
7. Do you drink alone?
8. Do you feel uncomfortable when not consume alcohol?
9. Do you also drink alcohol at the time in the circumstances stay calm?

Then, How can I stop drinking alcohol?

First we must have a commitment to stop drinking alcohol. Renungkan problems is felt that due to drinking alcohol. Consult to your parents (Which right?), Or the counseling that the school does not dare to both you can weblogs health counseling to adolescents via this contact us. Confidential assured. We will try and provide a solution for you. OK?



What is HIV / AIDS?

AIDS is the abbreviation of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. Occurrence of AIDS first reported in 1981 and until now is still a global health problem.

AIDS caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). This virus attacks the human body with a simple way to kill or damage the cells that play a role in the immune system, so that the body's ability to fight infection and cancer decreased dramatically. AIDS is a term that is actually intended for the stages of HIV infection is most serious / severe.

The medical Limfosit T and B limfosit together to maintain the body. B cells will develop into plasma cells, producing antibody to kill microorganisms. Q Limfosit responsible for the diperantarai cell immunity (cell mediated immunity), which is very important against the virus. Limfosit T consists of T helper cells (CD4 +) and sitotoksik T cells (CD8 +). Population Limfosit Q is the center of the body defense, which attacked and destroyed by HIV is a progressive and sustainable.

How the mechanism of transmission of HIV, so at this time it spread all over the world?
How the spread of HIV among the general one person to another person are:

* Conducting Sexual Relations with the HIV virus carrier without masks (do not use condoms)
* Use a syringe previously used by the person who infected with HIV virus
* Receive a blood or organ donors (organ transplants) of the person infected with HIV virus
* Transmission from mother to child of a mother infected with HIV transmit the virus to her child during virusnya in the womb, during birth, or through the milk of water.

There is no evidence that the spread of HIV through saliva, pengidap in contact with the HIV virus, exchange of food, or swim with people infected with HIV. HIV is not spread through insect bites such as mosquitoes.

That means that if sleeping with a HIV infected person safe?

Safe safe-aja ... provided that is not related sexual risk ya!
If HIV is directly severe symptoms can appear immediately or even die?

The time since first HIV infections occur to develop into AIDS varies in each individual, from the weekly period to twenty (20) years, depending on the status of the body's immune penderitanya. Without antiretroviral drugs, age life expectancy of AIDS at the average of 9.2 months. AIDS symptoms are very diverse, ranging from interference skin, respiratory, digestive, persarafan, malignancy (tumor / cancer), to infection oportunistik (kandidiasis, kriptosporodiasis).

HIV life cycle in the body's Corner We view Medical (Nice to know aja kok ...)

1. Virus entry.
Cell-free or cell associated HIV enters the body through the route of blood, semen or sekresi vagina from a man who infected. HIV soon appeared that the cells reseptor complementary (CD4 +, CCR5 and CXCR-4/fusin) can be either CD4 + cells, makrofag or langerhans cells.
2. Primary HIV infection.
Immune response to begin active viral antigen and intensive division of the virus occurred in the limfosit Q teraktivasi. This diperantarai by limfosit T cells specific sitotoksik (CTL) and antibody specific HIV and fastening through netralisasi supplement. Period from the entry of HIV in the host and the emergence of the detected levels of HIV-specific antibody called "window period" and people with very infeksius.
3. Clinical latent period
Marked loss of acute viral infectious diseases, reduction of virus in the blood, CD4 + cell count the almost normal, antibody and complement fastener netralisasi visible very low in the blood perifer (coffee RNA virus, viral load, virus cell mononuklear pengekspresi). Average occurred during 8-10 years. Calculate CD4 + cells ranged between 200 and 500 cells / μl in blood perifer.
4. AIDS.
This stage, with marked improvement virologis parameters (number of virus / viral load, p24 antigen, and so forth) in the blood perifer and nodus limfa. There is emphasis immune system and infections that are not harmful microorganisms in the normal condition (infection oportunistik) asserts that fatalnya this stage. CD4 + Count usually less than 200 cells / μl and down the progressive over time.

Currently there are antiviral drugs is recommended in people with HIV / AIDS. But until now still can not cure the disease and prevent a progresivitas disease. So, prevention remains the best option.
How to Prevent contagious?

The outline of a breeze. Only five (5) points, the A (Abstinence), B (Be faithful), C (Condom), D (Do not inject) and E (Education). Easy huh? What is that including these points?

A: Abstinence

* Do not free sex, either with HIV or high risk of HIV infection such as drug users.
* Not doing sex pranikah

B: Be Faithfull

* Setia on one pair and not mutually pair.

C: Condom

* For the "hiperaktif" related sexual (mania ni story ...), sediain condoms. But you should not touch first deh ..

D: Do not inject

* Avoiding the use of needles that are not sterile and take turns with the same needle in any form.
* Using one-use syringe.
* Avoiding the use of syringe with drug users.
* If you do a blood transfusion, make sure the blood test is free of viruses and the HIV (virus-virus and other)

E: Education

* Extension
* Guidance from parents, families, teachers, or other related parties
* Access and read articles and blogs on the teenager's health website that we made .... OK?


The gift of life ... guys! - Conflict Management

Feeling frustrated? Angry? Easy emotions? We certainly never experienced it a time. Which is the problem here is that we can control themselves when the problem struck down? One way to be able to "deal" with the feeling of anger is with the mind cool. When the things that make us feel very angry and emotional excessive, try to menstop feelings, and calm themselves, and think about every word or action that does not regret later. Express what is the why and it makes us feel very angry.

* Listen carefully to what other people say
* Select the option without conflict and avoid the melee.
* If you are not able to complete their own search for assistance

Talking with parents and adults

Do you ever try to do this, but it does not get things that you expect from adults? Calm .. Do not be emotional first. Perhaps this is due to the way communication is a less precise. Nah, try deh use the following tips to improve your communication with adults.

it's just honest with your feelings. Parent or guardian you can be a source of support or advice. However, they do not understand what you have in mind if you do not revealing.
* If you feel sad, do not immediately be at the defensive side. If you start with the emotions so you will not be able to express your feelings.

Key in establishing a good friendship

Sometimes the feeling when we feel stress and pressure have, will help us to know whether our friends have for us. A good friend can umpamakan at each other like glue that hold things together and sharing in our lives.

Happy for you that I already have a good friend. But if not, try deh follow the tips below to find your friends "sincere."

* Look for people who have the same hobby with you. Akan eksklusi but not to people with different hobbies. Keep open mind.
* If you respect other people, then others will respect you.
* Accept that every person has a deficiency and excess.
* Even good friends but I have certainly not for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Develop other interests and do not envy you when friends have other interests as well.
* Friends you can not read your mind, so say if there is something on the prop.
* Be the person who could be the place to exchange ideas in reciprocal back and you should have to provide support when you encounter a problem friend.
* Support your friend. No problem if you do not agree with what they did. But do not tell about a friend from the rear ugliness.
* Choose your words wisely, because you can not pull back. Friend when you try to find something new, you may feel lonely and may be a friend when you can not have the time you need it. If you do not feel able to face such situations you need to develop the scope. You must respect themselves and other people you start with the opening up and want to interact with other people. Ok guys?


Relations and friendship

Life is not always beautiful. Is always a sense of time pressure as the test, work, love relationships, family problems, problems with neighbors and the per temanan. Then what we can do to make life a more regular and beautiful?

Leave your emotions SALURKAN ter
Do not be ashamed. Let people know what you feel and ask for support from them. This method simulate both to ease the tension. Sharing with others will be making yourself feel better.
Be creative
Make a sketch, paint, create articles, coal can be a choice for merelaksasikan tension.
Try always active
Use the time for you favorite sport or activity and try something new (in the sense that something positive)
Insert is the time for yourself
Attempt to rileks. Listen to your favorite music, reading, walking, doing things that you want to do yourself.
Having fun with friends
Revel in the positive sense is a friend with one of the efforts ease tensions. If you do not have many friends from the start to socialize now. Start with a chat with the people who really want to know you more.
Share with the nearest
Look for people who can get you talking about you and your concerns. The teacher you can, your parents, your brother, friend, girlfriend or whoever you believe that also.

Being a teenager is not always filled with feeling happy all the time. Most of the youth as we certainly never felt sad or depression. Feeling sad or having feelings swing / mood is normal. However, the occurrence of depression in a long time is not something good.

Well, now you try to value their own self, whether you are experiencing depression or not. Below are some signs depression. If you have more than two mengalaminya sunday, be careful! That means it is likely you are experiencing depression.

* Changes in eating or sleeping habits
* Performance in school is less
* Sorrow that abiding
* Loss of interest that should be interesting and fun
* No longer want to socialize with friends-temann
* Loss of energy and motivation
* Hold or want to endanger the life
* A lack of emotional control
* Using drugs or drugs to forget problems
* Reaction time criticized excessive
* Poor concentration and easy to forget something
* Mental illness or pain that does not improve with treatment kunjung.

If you have more than one symptom, and a talk on that you can trust. They can help you complete the problems you or refer you to professionals who can help find solutions to feel better again. Talking about feelings is often the first step is to become better and feel better.

Eliminate depression with suicide? Self-harm? Gak banget deh ..!